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I Need Something - Newton Faulkner

Bored with your body and tired of my mind
Bored with the future and bored with my past
I need something stronger
Bored with your body and tired of my mind
Bored with your future and bored with my past
Real life get thee behind...
I need something stronger
Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove
Gonna make everything inside your head move
Gonna make you scream, gonna make you dream
Gonna take everything to the extreme
I need something stronger
I who know history am doomed to repeat it
Again and again and again
I need something stronger
Fire me to raptures of crazy boredom
Bored with your body and tired of my mind
Real life get thee behind...
I need something stronger
Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove
Gonna make everything inside your head move
Gonna make you screm, gonna make you dream
Gonna take everything to the extreme
I need something stronger

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